Police reports | News, Sports, Jobs - Weirton Daily Times

2022-09-10 05:54:51 By : Ms. Vera Luo

Arrested: Brian A. DiBacco, 56, 3942 Hanlin Way, Weirton, driving under the influence, Aug. 31.

Arrested: Dustin W. Geary, 29, 471 Rockdale Road, Follansbee, domestic assault, Saturday.

Arrested: Kenneth S. U’Ren, 56, Hookstown, Pa., driving under the influence, Friday.

Arrested: Aaron R. Lechner, 23, Wheeling, domestic battery, Friday.

Arrested: Joshua L. Hoit, 41, 338 Susquehanna Road, Wellsburg, domestic assault, Friday.

Arrested: Kerri A. Swager, 55, 44 Buffalo Road, Wellsburg, domestic battery, Saturday.

Bad situation: A Jefferson County woman was upset because she let her daughter spend the night at a neighbor’s house and they wouldn’t let her leave, Monday. The girl’s aunt said the mother had been out drinking and driving all night and decided she wanted the young teen to leave and go with her, and neither she or the neighbor watching the girl overnight were comfortable with that. The aunt said as they argued, the girl’s mother threatened to get a gun so she pushed the car door shut on her to prevent her going inside and getting it. The mom claimed she’d heard her daughter was hiding in a closet scared and shaking, and when she didn’t answer her phone went to the house to get her. She was convinced her daughter just didn’t want to answer the phone, and when the neighbor told her the girl had been sleeping she didn’t believe her. When deputies spoke with the girl they said she was “upset and crying,” and out of her mother’s hearing told them she’s a good mom and never lays a hand on her “but she will leave for days at a time” and frequently brings men home, which makes her uncomfortable. She said when she’s tried to talk to her mother about it, she “just ignored the conversation.”

Drama: A Jefferson County mother told deputies her teenage daughter who recently broke up with her boyfriend is being threatened by four girls because of a post on social media, Sunday. The nother said four girls, three of them aged 19, have been threatening her daughter since she posted the information and claiming they can “have her snatched up anytime they want.”

Would be thieves: The owner of a Rayland lawn care business said someone tried to break into one of his service trucks, Sunday. He said the passenger side door was pried out, but nothing was stolen.

Booked: Konrad E. Shadler, 47, Canfield, OVI, Monday. Shadler also was cited for speeding, expired temporary registration and failure to surrender his Florida license. Deputies claim Shadler told them he’d been living in Ohio for about a year and “has not, nor was he going to, change his driver’s license.”

Agitated: An irate customer at a lottery machine inside a grocery store claimed it took his money, Sunday. The store manager told police she’d opened up the machine and there was no money in it, but the man was still upset and told her, “If you don’t give me my money, I’m going to take it myself” and slammed the door to the lottery machine before leaving.

Bad move: A caller reported children throwing rocks at a woman on Oregon Avenue, but police said they didn’t find them, Sunday.

Icky: Police investigating a disturbance in the 400 block of Henry Avenue located a male and female “screaming at one another,” Sunday. They said the man had spit and scratches on his face, but he didn’t want to pursue charges and told them he just wanted the female to leave the property. She told them they’d been drinking and she was “upset about another female that he had at the residence.”

Bothersome: A South Eighth Street resident told police a woman is sending her harassing text messages and had threatened to file a false report with Child Protective Services, Sunday. She said she’d blocked the other woman’s number several times but “she continues to find a way to contact (her).”

Booked: Kenneth Payne, 45, no fixed address, assault, Sunday. Officers say they spotted Payne and a female arguing Fifth and Market streets, but when they approached to make sure there was no problem he spotted them and stopped arguing with her. Police said a few minutes later, he was allegedly seen hitting the woman in the face.

Hasty exit: A man told a clerk at Walgreen’s he wanted a carton of cigarettes, and once she placed them on the counter told her she also had photos to pick up, Monday. When she went to retrieve the pictures, he fled the store in a black Kia Sorento SUV. The cigarettes were valued at $92.

Stop honking: A city resident said he honked at a driver who signaled to make a turn but didn’t, and once he was on Sunset Boulevard said the man got behind him and followed him, Monday. He said the other driver followed him “and came at him several times” and that an occupant “slit on him.”

Booked: Vernon Smith, 39, 965 Rinker Road, Steubenville, possession of drug paraphernalia, Monday. Smith also was cited for DUS, and the owner of the car he was in, Cynthia Smith, 60, 707 Market St., Apt. 307, Steubenville, was cited for wrongful entrustment.

Code issues: A notice of violation was sent to the owner/occupant of a property at 832 Lincoln Ave., large pile of litter and junk in yard.

Flooding: A white SUV stuck at the intersection of Bryden Road and Lexington Drive was submerged in about 3-feet of water, police said Monday. They said the intersection was completely flooded. After Steubenville firefighters and the street department removed most of the water, the owner had the vehicle towed away.

— A vehicle also was stuck in water at Mount Calvary Road, Monday. When police arrived, the vehicle was still in the water with two people inside who were in “no apparent danger,” police said.

— Homeowners in the 4500 block of Lexington Drive were upset that when it rains and the intersection floods, their basement floods as well, Monday. They said they’ve asked the city to look into the problem but don’t see any progress being made.

Booked: A man filled bags with items that didn’t belong to him and fled Family Dollar, Monday. William Robinson, 56, no fixed address, was charged with petty theft; Angel Barnes, 34, 544 Woodland Drive, Steubenville, petit theft, Saturday.

Keep moving: A man sleeping on the sidewalk at the entrance to Hawk Gas station was told he needed to leave, and when he requested a ride to Weirton officers said they complied, Monday.

Robbed: A Bloomingdale man said someone broke into a building he leases on Adam Street and ransacked the property, stealing several Craftsman and Dewalt tools, Monday.

Booked: Jonathan Hootman, 43, 227 Emmet Way, Steubenville, failure to appear; Cody Ivey, 27, Barnesville, OVI, Sunday.

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